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Soil contamination in Wisconsin

Soil Contamination

Soil Contamination Causes and Solutions

Soil contamination most often occurs when xenobiotic chemicals, or human-made chemicals, spill or leak into the ground. Industrial activity, agricultural chemicals, and improper waste disposal are the most common causes of soil pollution and contamination.

9 Most Common Causes of Soil Contamination


Mining:  Commonly leads to a high concentration of toxic chemicals like arsenic, sulfuric acid, and mercury.

Mining soil contamination - environmental cleanup Wisconsin

Accidental spills:  Most commonly, oil and petroleum spills can have severe effects on vegetation and wildlife in the area.

Oil spill contamination - environmental cleanup in Midwest

Corrosion of underground storage tanks and piping:  Old storage tanks and worn-down piping can break and leak toxic waste into the soil.

Old piping contamination, pipe corrosion

Acid Rain:  Commonly contains air pollutants like sulfur and nitrogen oxides that dissolve into the soil, leading to increased health and environmental impacts.

Acid rain contamination - environmental cleanup in Midewest

Agricultural chemicals such as pesticides:  Previous and current farmland is always at high risk of being contaminated by the fertilizers and pesticides used by the agricultural industry.

Pesticide contamination cleanup in Wisconsin

Petrochemicals including oil and gasoline:  Contamination commonly occurs near gas stations, drilling locations, and land near train stations that transport oil tank cars.

Petroleum spill contamination, gas spill, environmental cleanup

Drainage of contaminated surface water into the soil:  Properties near bodies of water or rivers are at higher risk for contaminants seeping into the soil via the surface water.

Drainage of contaminated water contaminating the soil

Ammunition, chemical agents of war:  Common contaminants for firing ranges and previous military operation bases. Ammunition contains lead, which leads to lead poisoning and water contamination.

ammunition and firing ranges contaminating the soil

Improper waste disposal:  Includes gasoline, oil, nuclear waste, sewage, landfills, coal & electronic waste. Properties near water treatment facilities and power plants are at high risk for contamination and should be evaluated by an environmental consulting firm. PFAS chemical contamination is a rising concern in Wisconsin due to improper waste disposal at landfills.

Improper waste disposal causing soil contamination
If you have recently purchased a new property, or you are worried about your current property being contaminated, contact the environmental specialists at Hyde today to schedule a consultation.